menstrual cramp造句
- But in February 1991, Akpan was experiencing severe menstrual cramps.
- Used for : insomnia, stress and nervousness, menstrual cramps, pain relief.
- Externally, caster oil can help sore muscles, menstrual cramps or carpel tunnel.
- All abrasions or familiar conditions such as menstrual cramps, headache or the common cold.
- The right music can ease insomnia, muscle tension, even menstrual cramps, Morgenstern said.
- People take them for headaches and menstrual cramps, and they are especially popular for arthritis.
- Hashish was also used to ease menstrual cramps and was even offered to women during childbirth.
- The Papago Indians prepared it medicinally for stiff limbs, snake bites, and menstrual cramps.
- Her stomach was a mess : the menstrual cramps were so bad that she considered dropping out.
- Painful menstrual cramps that result from an excess of prostaglandin release are referred to as primary dysmenorrhea.
- It's difficult to see menstrual cramp in a sentence. 用menstrual cramp造句挺难的
- Her menstrual cramps had become so disabling that she spent a day or two in bed every month.
- Native Americans once used the leaves ( which are far less noxious ) for coughs and menstrual cramps.
- A year ago, she finished seventh again, bothered this time by menstrual cramps and back problems.
- F is for feverfew, used as a folk medicine for menstrual cramps since Greco-Roman times.
- For some women, the experience is very painful, with cramping far more severe than any menstrual cramp.
- One of his patients coped with bad menstrual cramps before the holidays by listening to her favorite Christmas music.
- Jenny was jogging on the morning of Aug . 31, 1998, when she started getting menstrual cramps.
- "I had one that barely hurt _ it was like mild menstrual cramps, " she said.
- The leaves are steeped in hot water to make a tea said to be good for menstrual cramps and stomachaches.
- People are taking something for their common headache or for menstrual cramps, or they're getting cosmetic surgery.
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